Things To Clean When Moving Into a New Petaling Jaya House

Heading to a new spot in Petaling Jaya? Could be your first major purchase or maybe you’re seasoned in the art of changing addresses, either way, one fact remains: a mountain of cleaning awaits before you can really chill. We’re about to unpack the must-do scrub and polish jobs that’ll transform your space into a cozy retreat.

Key Points

  • The kitchen should be given a deep clean, which includes cleaning the inside of the fridge and oven, scrubbing the floors and surfaces, washing all dishes, and emptying out all cupboards and drawers.
  • Bathrooms need to be emptied of cabinets and drawer contents so that they can be cleaned completely. All appliances must also be wiped down along with toilets, sinks, showers/tubs, surfaces mirrors, and floors.
  • Before moving furniture into new rooms, vacuum and dust them as well as mopping or sweeping any floors. Carpets should be vacuumed thoroughly while hardwood floors should receive a sweep before being mopped.
  • Windows are often forgotten but it is important to clean them before moving in.

Clean the kitchen thoroughly

The first thing you should do is give your kitchen a good deep clean. This includes cleaning the inside of the fridge and oven, scrubbing the floors and surfaces, and washing all of the dishes. If you have time, it’s also a good idea to empty out all of the cupboards and drawers so that you can clean them thoroughly before putting your belongings away.

A common mistake people make when cleaning the kitchen is forgetting about the small appliances. Be sure to clean your toaster, blender, and coffee maker before using them in your new home.

To make the kitchen cleaning process easier, try to do it a few days before you move so that you’re not rushed and can take your time.

Thoroughly clean all bathrooms

Bathrooms can be tricky to clean, but it’s important to make sure that they’re sparkling before you start using them.

To get started, empty out all of the cabinets and drawers. This will give you a chance to clean them completely, as well as the rest of the bathroom. Be sure to scrub the toilet, sink, and shower/tub. Don’t forget to wipe down all of the surfaces, mirrors, and floors.

See also  How to Simplify Household Chores & Spend Less Time Cleaning

Pro Tip: If you’re short on time, you can always hire a professional cleaning service in Petaling Jaya to do a deep cleaning of your new bathroom (or the entire house!) before you move in.

Vacuum and dust in any empty rooms

Before you start moving furniture into your new home, make sure to vacuum and dust any empty rooms. This will help remove any dirt or dust that may have been left behind by the previous owners.

Here are a few other things to keep in mind when cleaning empty rooms:

  • If there are carpets, be sure to vacuum them thoroughly.
  • If there are hardwood floors, sweep and mop them.
  • Dust all surfaces, including light fixtures, ceiling fans, and baseboards.

However, don’t waste your time cleaning things that will just get dirty again once you start moving furniture and boxes into the room.

Mop or sweep any floors

Once you’ve vacuumed and dusted all of the empty rooms, you’ll want to mop or sweep any floors that still need it. This includes hardwood floors, tile floors, and any other type of flooring in your new home.

To make the mopping and sweeping process easier, you can divide the task into smaller sections. For example, you can clean one room at a time or just do one area of the house each day.

Clean the windows

Windows can be one of the most forgotten areas when cleaning a new house. But, it’s important to clean them before you move in so that you can let natural light into your home.

To make sure your windows are clean, start by removing any dust or dirt on the surface. Then, use a window cleaner to clean the inside and outside of the window. If you have time, you can also wash the curtains or blinds.

See also  Common Myths About Floor Cleaning

Pro Tip: It can be helpful to clean the windows on a sunny day so that you can see any spots that you may have missed.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Things To Clean When Moving Into A New House

Now that we’ve gone over some of the most important things to clean when moving into a new house, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about the topic.

What tools do I need to clean my new house?

When it comes to cleaning your new house, you’ll need a few basic supplies. This includes things like a vacuum, mop, broom, dustpan, rags, sponges, and window cleaner. You may also want to purchase some additional cleaning supplies, such as an all-purpose cleaner, toilet cleaner, and tile cleaner.

How long does it take to clean a new house?

The amount of time it takes to clean a new house will depend on the size of the house and how much cleaning needs to be done. However, most people can expect to spend at least a few hours cleaning their new home before they move in.

What are the common mistakes people make when cleaning their new house?

One of the most common mistakes people make when cleaning their new house is forgetting to clean certain areas. For example, many people forget to clean the windows or wash the curtains/blinds. Other common mistakes include not dusting all surfaces and not vacuuming/mopping empty rooms before moving furniture in.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are a few things to keep in mind when cleaning your new house. Be sure to vacuum and dust all empty rooms, mop or sweep any floors, and clean the windows before you move in. And don’t forget to add some extra touches, such as washing the curtains/blinds or cleaning the oven. By following these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy your new home in no time.

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