DIY Window Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Is the thought of washing windows enough to make you shudder? You’re not alone! It’s a task that can consume a great deal of time, but steering clear of common mistakes can result in perfectly clean views. Keep reading to discover DIY tips and techniques for getting your windows spotless!

Using the Wrong Cleaning Solutions

Using the wrong cleaning solution on your windows can have disastrous consequences and damage both the glass and the window frames. Generally, it’s best to use a mild detergent mixed with water for cleaning windows. Avoid anything abrasive or overly concentrated, as this may cause scratching or etching of the glass.

Certain types of glass, such as low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings or antique leaded windows cannot withstand strong detergents, so remember to check the manufacturer’s recommendations before you clean. If in doubt, use a safe window cleaner like vinegar, rubbing alcohol, liquid soap or commercial glass cleaners that are specifically designed for window cleaning. Windex is a popular window cleaner but can be harsh on some surfaces – it is always important to double-check your materials beforehand.

When using a sponge, cotton cloths and paper towels to wipe down your windows after applying the cleaner, remember not to use items that could scratch the surface such as steel wool pads or abrasive scrub brushes. Both will result in an unprofessional finish and potentially mark your panes so make sure to check beforehand that any materials you use are gentle enough not to cause any damage.

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Not Rinsing Windows Properly

It may seem like an easy task, but not rinsing windows properly can leave a layer of dirt and residue that will be difficult to remove. To ensure your windows are clean and streak-free, it is crucial that you rinse the windows after scrubbing them. Using a damp cloth or sponge, gently wipe down the surface to ensure any dirt or cleaning solution has been removed completely.

It is also important to make sure that you choose the right amount of soap when cleaning your windows. Too much soap can create a sticky residue that will attract dust and attract future dirt buildup. Conversely, using too little soap won’t effectively cut through grime and oil buildup. Test out different amounts of cleanser until you find the ideal amount for your windows to get optimal results.

When rinsing with water, start from the top of each window so gravity may pull away any excess water or soap from the window being cleaned. Toward the end of each window-cleaning project, squeegee all remaining water from each pane starting with small horizontal strokes from top to bottom followed by vertical strokes from side to side. This ensures full coverage for cloudy-free finishes and reduced risk for future glass deterioration due to improperly cleaned surfaces allowing for improved visibility in all climate conditions.

Using Abrasive Materials or Scrubbers

When cleaning the outside of your windows, it is important to avoid abrasive materials that may cause scratching or permanent damage. Avoid scrubbing hard on dirt and grime – treat the glass gently. Use a soft cloth or microfiber cloth for large surfaces instead of paper towels or newspaper which can leave tiny particles behind or create streaks because they absorb small amounts of moisture.

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When using a scrubber, soften it with soapy water to reduce the risk of abrasion; while it might help to remove dirt and grime, you also risk scratching the glass in the process. If you need additional cleaning power than regular liquid soap offers, use an approved window-cleaning solution or homemade vinegar-based solution without adding any abrasives.

Cleaning Windows in Direct Sunlight

Cleaning windows can be a tedious task, and it can be tempting to get the job done quickly by working in direct sunlight. However, it’s important to note that cleaning your windows in direct sunlight is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Cleaning your windows in direct sunlight will cause chemical reactions with the cleaning ingredients which can make the job more difficult and create streaks on your windows.

The best time to clean your windows if you’re doing it yourself is on an overcast day or in early morning or late evening when there is very little ambient light or direct sunlight hitting the window. If you have large windows or lots of small panes, doing it all at once is not recommended unless absolutely necessary as it may leave uneven streaks that are hard to remove. So be sure to work methodically and polish as you go.

Another mistake to avoid is using too much cleaning liquid. Too much liquid tends to cause smearing on glass surfaces and excess moisture may also damage some frames if they are particularly sensitive or susceptible to water damage. Use only enough liquid so as not to leave behind residue on both glass and frames and do not pour directly onto the window surface. Instead, put some into a spray bottle and mist inside corner points lightly before wiping down frame with soft cloths like micro-fiber duster cloths or newspaper for buffing purposes post-cleaning after wiping down with lint-free cloth soaked prior in lukewarm water.

Ignoring Window Frames and Sills

Windows are often the focal point for any room, providing a beautiful view of the outdoors and letting natural light in. But cleaning windows requires more than just wiping down the glass – you need to clean the frames and sills as well. Otherwise, dirt and dust can accumulate in these areas, which can be difficult to remove.

When cleaning window frames and sills, make sure you use a soft cloth or brush so that you don’t scratch or damage them. You might even want to use an old toothbrush for hard-to-reach areas. Also, pay attention to what kind of cleaner you’re using – some contain abrasive scrubbing ingredients that can cause permanent damage to delicate surfaces around your windows. And finally, dry your window frames and sills promptly with a clean cloth after cleaning them – this will help prevent water spots from forming on the surface.

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By taking your time when cleaning window frames and sills, you can ensure that your windows look their best for years to come!

Hire a Cleaning Company Instead

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of cleaning your windows, it may be time to consider hiring a professional window cleaning company. Professional window cleaners have the knowledge and equipment necessary to do the job safely and efficiently. They can bring their own ladders, squeegees, towels, and cleaning solutions so that you don’t have to make any additional investments for products that could damage your windows.

Additionally, a professional cleaning service provider is experienced with different types of window frame materials and can choose specialized products that are designed to clean each type safely. And finally, many window cleaning companies offer guarantees on their services so if something is missed or not properly cleaned they will take care of it at no extra cost.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common DIY window cleaning mistakes?

Common DIY window cleaning mistakes include using too much soap, using abrasive materials and tools, not cleaning the frames and sills, and not drying the windows properly.

How can I make sure I’m not using too much soap when cleaning my windows?

To make sure you aren’t using too much soap when cleaning your windows, start by mixing a small amount of soap in a bucket with warm water. Then, use a soft cloth or squeegee to apply the soapy solution to the windows.

What can I use to dry my windows after cleaning them?

To dry your windows after cleaning them, you can use a squeegee or a soft, lint-free cloth. Make sure to wipe the windows in a crisscross pattern to ensure all the moisture is removed.


When it comes to cleaning your windows, there are many DIY mistakes that you may make along the way if you don’t know the proper techniques to use. Remember, using the wrong cleaning products, tools, or water temperature can damage your windows and result in streaks and damage.

Always opt for a pH neutral cleaner and plenty of microfiber cloths to avoid leaving behind scratches. When it comes to cleaning your windows inside and out, make sure you use ladders safely as an added precaution when working from tall heights.

If you’re tackling a difficult task such as growing mould or mildew on windows in humid conditions, it’s always better to call an expert for advice. Additionally, if you notice any issues with the window frames or glass panes within your home that require attention such as leaking or other structural damage this could indicate a bigger problem which should be handled by a professional window repair technician who can come take a look at the situation before proceeding with further repairs.

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