Dirtiest Places In Your Office & How To Clean It

Facing the reality, maintaining an impeccably clean office space at all times is a challenging mission. Ever wondered about the locations within your workspace that are breeding grounds for germs? In this blog post, we aim to reveal these germ hotspots and offer advice on how to keep them sanitized! Brace yourself – we’re about to explore the filthiest corners of your office and discover the best ways to combat them!

The Start Button on Your Photocopier Machine

The start button on your photocopier machine may look innocuous, but it can be one of the dirtiest places in your office. Despite its relatively small surface area and lack of contact with human hands, this button captures dirt and bacteria from airborne particles and dust, as well as from residue from fingers that have touched the touchpad. As a result, it is important to clean your photocopier’s start button regularly in order to keep bacteria from spreading throughout your office environment.

Fortunately, the task of cleaning this piece of equipment is fairly simple. Use a cloth dampened with a diluted solution of warm water and detergent or an alcohol-based wipe to wipe away any visible dirt or grime found on the button. Run the cloth along the sides and seams of the start key, taking care avoid wetting any electrical connections inside the machine itself.

If there are stubborn marks on the surface that will not come off with normal wiping then use a dampened cotton swab with rubbing alcohol or glass cleaner to scrub away more stubborn soil without damaging any sensitive components inside your machine’s control panel. Doing so will help you keep this essential piece of office equipment pristine without needing professional assistance!

The Surface of Your Desk

Surfaces that are frequently touched, such as the top of your desk, can harbor high levels of germs. Without regular cleaning, these surfaces accumulate dirt, bacteria and other contaminants. To ensure that your desk is clean and safe for use, it’s important to follow a disinfection process whenever it is needed.

The first step to cleaning your desk is to remove any paper or other items from the surface. Then use a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth to dust off debris and dust particles. Once the surface has been prepared, spray an all-purpose cleaner directly onto the surface and wipe down with a clean cloth or disinfecting wipes. For added protection against bacteria and viruses, use an alcohol-based sanitizer on the desk afterward. Make sure you cover all surfaces of your desk so that no contaminants are left behind on hard-to-reach places such as corners or crevices in the furniture. Finally, let the surface dry completely before replacing any items back onto the desk.

Your Office Keyboard

Your office keyboard is one of the dirtiest places in your workspace. It is home to millions of germs and bacteria, as well as food particles and other dirt. To get it clean and sanitized, use a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air to remove dust and food particles from the crevices of your keyboard.

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Next, wipe down the keys with a damp cloth dampened with mild soap or rubbing alcohol; avoid using any harsh cleaners as they may damage the keyboard. If you use cleaning wipes be sure to throw them away afterwards.

Inspect any rubber membranes underneath the keys for trapped dirt and grime, then use a soft brush to gently remove any stuck-on debris. To keep your keyboard sanitized, make sure not to eat at or near it; if you do spill something, clean it up immediately with a paper towel.

The Refrigerator Handle

Having a clean refrigerator handle is incredibly important for maintaining good office hygiene. This is because the handle is frequently touched every time it’s opened and closed, and it can easily become contaminated with germs from unclean hands. Therefore, it’s important to keep the handle disinfected on a regular basis.

The best way to ensure that your refrigerator handle is clean and germ-free is to use an EPA-approved disinfectant cleaner. Start by spraying the cleaner onto a paper towel and then wiping down the handle with a vigorous motion. Focus on any corners or creases that may be harder to reach. For a deeper clean, use a toothbrush and gently scrub any areas where there may be dirt or grime buildup. Once you’ve finished wiping the handle down, let it air dry before closing the fridge door again.

It’s also worth regularly cleaning other surfaces such as cabinet knobs or handles, light switches, door handles, countertops, computer keyboards and mouseskills to maintain good office hygiene.

The Washroom Door Knob

Office washrooms are hotspots for bacteria due to their high traffic, low lighting, and moist environment. One of the most commonly touched surfaces in the washroom is the door knob. Germs can build up on door knobs quite quickly if they are not regularly cleaned. To ensure that your office washroom remains as hygienic as possible, take a few moments each week to clean the door knob.

To start, wear gloves and gather cleaning supplies such as a disinfectant cleaner or an antimicrobial solution (like bleach or rubbing alcohol). Dip a clean cloth or paper towel in your cleaning solution and wring out any excess liquid. Wipe down both sides of the door knob and depending on the type of cleaner used, let it sit for 30 seconds before wiping off with a damp cloth thoroughly to remove any residue from the cleaner. Finally allow plenty of time for it to air dry before using again!

Office Chair

Office chairs can be a frequent source of dirt and germs in any office environment. Studies have found that computer keyboards and mice are among the most contaminated objects in the office, but office chairs also rank high on the list. This is because they are rarely cleaned and instead rely on occupants to wipe them down with disinfectant wipes. To properly clean an office chair, follow these steps:

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1. Vacuum all surfaces to remove dust and debris.
2. Wipe down all surfaces with a microfiber cloth or damp sponge soaked in hot water mixed with detergent or mild cleaner. Be sure to reach into crevices where accumulated dirt may be hiding.
3. Disinfect the entire surface by spraying it thoroughly with a Lysol-type product designed for killing germs on hard surfaces, making sure to follow the instructions carefully as these products vary in their usage instructions from one product to another.
4. Air dry for several hours until the chair is completely dry before being used again by any occupant of your office space.  It’s wise to rotate chairs so certain ones can air out between use periods as well; this will help keep everyone healthy and safe in your workspace!

Desk Phone

A desk phone is one of the most overlooked potential sources of germs in an office. Although it is used every day, most people neglect to clean their phones regularly. To disinfect a desk phone, it’s important to use a cleaning product that is gentle yet effective. Products such as alcohol wipes or hand sanitizer and a soft cloth are ideal for this task.

Start by unplugging the telephone cord, taking care not to spill any liquid into the phone base or handset when wiping them down. Gently wipe the handset, giving special attention to areas where dirt and oils accumulate such as around pushbuttons and along the mouthpiece rim. Make sure to take extra time on these places since they can be real havens for bacteria and other germs that have been known to cause infections, colds and other illnesses.

Be sure to wipe down all sides of the base unit including any labels or keys since these can collect dust easily. Finally, clean out any exposed cords using compressed air such as canned duster, paying close attention not to blow dust into sensitive parts of the equipment. Plug in all cords when done is finished and your desk phone should be left feeling fresh!


Finally, once you have identified the dirtiest places in your office and taken steps to properly clean them, it is important to take preventive measures to keep them clean and prevent dirt from building up again. Encourage employees to put away food items in designated areas, remove clutter regularly and vacuum or sweep floors and carpets. Regular cleaning of windowsills, door frames, walls and other surfaces should also be part of your routine office maintenance plan. Additionally, schedule deep-cleaning visits by professional cleaning specialists at least once or twice a year.

Professional cleaning can ensure that more stubborn types of dirt and grime are adequately removed from high-traffic areas like restrooms, lobbies or meeting rooms.

Following these guidelines will help maintain good hygiene levels in the office that can keep employees productive, healthy and safe.

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